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Is our Congresswomen Lost in Washington DC?

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Is our Congresswomen Lost in Washington DC?


When we elect individuals to go to Washington DC to speak up for us on the issues that are affecting our lives here in their district, we expect some type of communication or presence in the district of our member of Congress. This has not been the case for Renee Ellmers in the last term many people noticed her absent in the public eye here in Harnett County. In many cases the only way that you were able to see her is if there was a special event or fundraiser for other elected officials. Therefore the everyday people of Harnett County have been unable to speak with their Congresswomen. The question we must ask is she lost in Washington DC?

When Congressman Bob Etheridge was our voice in DC there were not many places or local events that you would not see him at. He was approachable and available to speak with; we are missing out on that accessibility to our member of Congress and desperately need that back in our district. In the last few months I have seen Congressman David Price more times then Congresswomen Renee Ellmers in the last 2 ½ years and she resides in Dunn. David Price lives in Chapel Hill and is spending more time in the district offering constituent services and events. I find it hard to believe that Congresswomen Ellmers would be to busy to come to events when David Price a ranking member in Congress can find the time.

We need someone who is going to be amongst us and not in DC away from the very people who elected her into office. She has decided to contemplate running for US Senate, that’s great I just hope she gets some new staff and better constituent services…

2 Responses “Is our Congresswomen Lost in Washington DC?”

  1. Paul Long
    March 28, 2013 at 9:20 am

    She is a Tea Party office holder who does not represent the people she only represents the people who sends her money and that is who she talks to on issues. She makes statements in the news that she is representing her people and that her people want her to do certain things that not even the state and national polling show that the American People and citizens of her district are in favor of. She refused to help the chicken growers who were abandoned by the owner of the processing facility in two local towns leaving 200 families out of business. She is against tolling I95 yet offers no solution for a road that is falling apart. Maybe she flies back and forth to DC or never comes home. She has not approached our County Commissioners about funds to help with the growth of the military in the southern part of the county. Chairman Burgin is friends with her and supported her in two elections and does nothing about having her bring funds here for the badly need schools for children. She is a coward who could care less about he citizens of Harnett County. Maybe she needs to move back to where she came from as she is from another state. Oh I forgot thank Rep. David Lewis and NCGA for fixing it so we are stuck with her for a long time due to Gerrymandering of our Congressional district. This may lead to the downfall of our country. Folks how much have you got to suffer before you stand up and throw her out?

  2. Native of Harnett
    March 28, 2013 at 10:21 pm

    She is completely out of her depth.

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