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Michaela Williams Peace poster (2)

Michaela Williams, a sixth grade student at Western Harnett Middle School, has taken the first step to becoming an internationally recognized artist by winning a local competition sponsored by the


Western Harnett Lions Club.


Michaela’s poster was among  more than 375,000 entries submitted worldwide in the 27th annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest.  Lions Club International is sponsoring the contest


to emphasize the importance of world peace to young people everywhere.


“The message of my poster is to be kind, thoughtful and caring to others everywhere,” the 11-year-old from Broadway said.  The poster was selected for its originality, artistic merit and portrayal


of the contest theme, “Peace, Love and Understanding.”  The judging was held on November 5th at Western Harnett Middle School.


Williams’ poster will advance to face stiff competition through the district, multiple district and international rounds of competition.  One grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners will be


selected.  The grand prize includes a cash award of US$5,000, plus a trip for the winner and two family members to an award ceremony.  The 23 merit award winners will each receive a certificate and a


cash award of US$500.


View international grand prize and merit award winners at www.lionsclubs.org

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